Disney, wildly Anti-Semitic, didn't create the Muppets or Sesame Street- the first few seasons of which come with much stronger labels, and therefore likely to be memory holed one day- so those things, plus all the other things they didn't create themselves, like Star Wars and the Marvel Comics + Cinematic Universe, are HIGHLY OFFENSIVE things. In Disney's eyes, they should be SHUNNED IMMEDIATELY... unless there is money to be made. BUY NOW BEFORE WE PUT ALL THE THINGS YOU ENJOY INTO THE MEMORY VAULT, FOREVER. Or, as we've seen with some movies- wink, wink- they will self-sabotage and blame YOU, THE CONSUMER for their complete lack of disregard for non-native Disney Products. (Buy the Mouse. The Mouse is good!) When Disney gets caught, that seems to be the reason behind some of these wildly POPULAR programs, like the Mandalorian and Wandavision. 'Folks, you've caught us in the act. We know that you really aren't stupid and want to show our appreciation for your smarts. Here are Popular Television Programs to consume. Because WE KNOW what you LIKE.' Then Disney goes and does it some more. Only this time they cancel the program or recast into total oblivion. I'm thinking of the Captain Marvel chick on the Corporate Mouse side and Gina Carano on the Mouse Insider 'Virus' side. Beyond these choices, WE KNOW such programing WILL FAIL with the Disney Model. It all goes back to: Buy the Mouse. The Mouse is good! The Core Fallback position. Disney could care less about any of the products they produce outside of the Mouse. I'd say either remember that with your next purchase, or boycott. But that's what DISNEY WANTS. The Mouse is STILL LOOSE. Poor copyright law keeps the Mouse going. Eighty percent of Disney Business is the Mouse and/or related product. Not Star Wars. Not Marvel. Disney has been noted to say they could shut them all down tomorrow and NOT LOSE MONEY, nor be emotionally affected. We need reform not just the fabled Section 230, but also in Copyright Law. Public Domain should fall somewhere between 1949 and 1977. It is currently at 1921, thanks to the Birth of the Mouse, in 1928. Copyright is renewable every twenty-eight years. The Mouse 1928, 1956, (1984), (2012), (2040). 1977 was the year the current copyright law was passed. There have been extensions given on the law, itself renewable every so often, like the copyright it defends, of various lengths, to get THE LAW in. To get the Mouse in. The Mouse should have went into Public Domain in 1984. I WONDER about 1984. WHAT do I WONDER about 1984? Why wasn't the Mouse put into the Public Domain Nursing Home. Disney's profits and business all together would dry up overnight. Do you trust the Law or do you trust the Mouse?
Durango Kid #13 - Frank Frazetta art
2 hours ago
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