Influence Motivation Purpose Action Community Trust

Friday, November 18, 2016

The Test TTS Cast Didn't Work

TTS - Text-to-Speech. I'm not doing that anymore. Stuff isn't even cheap!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Future Thoughts on Present Events

More from Facebook:

     History is written from the future. At present, this is the present. If we are proven to be wrong at some point in future history, then so be it. Future Winners write the past history. Winning is definitely good, but perhaps not as important to giving start to a change in the way things are going. We don't know the future; we will say this position or that position will be the best position for America, Australia or the World. The only position is now. What is happening now is not right on many levels, if you're on the left or right. In 1944 we had WINNERS who put their lives on the line. 2016 we have bronies who need to have a 'Participation Trophy' for their vote for Harambe or being rioters. However, you can't have a left wing without a right wing. Flap, flap. Most people will come together, a few die-hards to left or right thinking will do their own thing on the spectrum. The cool thing about that is we can let that happen and call it out for what it is. I'd rather not have bronies or harambe bros; I'd rather have HARDCORE AMERICANS, AUSTRALIANS or any other person than those types. I'm no fascist, no nazi, no Hitler, I believe I've proven that already. I have faith in humanity, in the future. I wouldn't know if someone were a brony or a Harambist unless it was blatantly obvious. I probably wouldn't ask if it wasn't. If they are Future Winners, then good for them. They stuck to what they believed in and let it at that. I would hope that it would go the same for both left and right. The truly most malicious instrument of hatred is humanity. Be better than the right or the left, they'll sway and rule you, one way or the other.

     We learn from what is happening now. When things start going wrong, the start of the wrong is already past, like the riots. Trump won, Hillary lost. Now she and George Soros have gotten together and sent her minions out to riot. The trouble started when Hillary was not indicted by Comey back in July. We can't travel through time and force Comey to indict on that overwhelming evidence. We can't travel through time and stop Hitler. This is history we LEARNED the HARD WAY. Ease and simplicity, humans want these things. We can't have them, because we keep learning the hard way. We're afraid of having faith in a positive future because we don't do the things we need to do to survive efficiently as a society. We're afraid because we don't have long on this earth to bring about the change we think is necessary for our lives and others. Some have lost faith in themselves to be instruments for change one way or the other, veering off into some ist or ism that makes effort only enough to exist at that moment. This is historical worthlessness. Why shouldn't we learn from that? That what each individual does to move society forward in a meaningful way has importance. The left-winged monster cannot do that. The right-winged monster cannot do that. The whole creature that is humanity can change, without taking any unnatural losses. Have faith in humanity. Have faith in the future. Have faith in Jesus Christ. This is the change we can learn about, to believe in.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trumpsmarts, Light Predicting and the Electoral College

     I have a feeling Trump will make some good decisions. People will want to hate him, like the never trump crowd and those still getting funding from the DNC/Soros etc. It will go so long as he is president. I believe there is throwback to 1980 and Ronald Reagan. Trump is no Reagan, but I believe he will be the next best thing since Reagan. He's not the smartest man politically, not even a politician!, but he can clearly recognize that in people. He will use those smarts learned in business to help surround himself in the know about the political things.

     He's not a stupid man. I believe what he will do is likely to be more positive than negative. I'm coming more to the belief that Bill Clinton, Bush43 and Obama have taken the term 'American Experiment' literally; they've run their experiments on the people, those same people being somewhat willing participants. The American people were saying in this election: We want more solutions to our problems than experiments with them, where those experiments may make our problems worse. I don't believe any president or political leader can get fully away from running experiments. Trump's plan to fix the inner cities is a good example. Urban homesteading, economic influx, school choice, building projects: He is telling them: I want to help lift you up, so you don't have to be down any longer.

     I'm torn on the electoral college. It ensures each state has a say. At the same time, it does take away that popular vote feeling. You may have voted for the popular candidate (Hillary) only to see her lose. However, if it were to happen more than five times in fifty-eight tries, many would say change it. There is never enough momentum to make a switch to popular vote or something such as first past the post, simply because it doesn't happen enough. It doesn't happen enough because the electoral college system is actually working the way it is supposed to if one goes by the numbers. With what system do you replace this method of voting which is not broken? If it's not broke, do you 'fix it' until it's broken?

Monday, October 31, 2016

The Great Morenco and the Sexy Weiner Machine

Another story about PIPELINES.

     Hector Morenco, Patriotic American and fellow observer into Hillary Clinton's Wikileaks/Dikileaks materials, helped piece together some shady business. The business appears to revolve around oil, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Let's go to the tweets:

     Soon we have discovered these tweets, waking up to them and to the KNOWLEDGE which they FREELY give. The Syrian Conflict, Benghazi, Egypt and the Arabian Spring; they ALL revolve around Clinton and Obama. It's almost like they got together at some point and decided to form a heinously vile tag team of PURE SATAN. Was it during the 2008 primary season? Hillary Clinton was upstaged by the young up-and-comer Barack Obama. Deals were made between them to GIVE the Democratic nomination to Obama. Some of these deals (Everything in Bloggeration #3, 6.4.2008) included hand-picked overseers of the Democratic National Committee - Debbie Wasserman-Schulz and Donna Brazile - other deals becoming more clear. Obama and other powerful members of the DNC buy into the Clinton Foundation and their evil schemes. Indeed, this scheming includes ISIS.

     Pay to play 'donations' from Qatar to Saudi Arabia leading to Secretary of State and Clinton Foundation namesake Hillary Clinton to send the CIA into Syria. (EIB Update: Egypt and Middle East Tensions 9.10.2011) A year later, we would be attacked in Benghazi, Libya. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other men, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty were assassinated. 'What difference does it make?' Hillary has already received her money; those men's names, will be on the list of names whose lives she has ruined completely. They have no use or purpose if they didn't make a 'contribution' to the Clinton Foundation.

     Hidden in plain sight, like a snake in the grass, one step in the Clinton-Obama Plan for Syria. The U.S.-backed oil pipeline was blocked by Assad. In turn, the CIA is sent in to topple his regime. The United States (via Clinton/s), Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia were players. Why not send the oil through Iraq?
Another hidden in plain sight view: Iraq, Turkey and the Mosul Offensive.
     Erdogan may be using some of these evidences to his advantage; blackmailing someone perhaps, into making the offensive on Mosul happen. Could it be he made a further significant contribution to the Clinton Foundation? We've seen the recent 'unrest' in Turkey, one of the more prosperous, if not well-off countries in the Middle East region. Why so 'uneasy' Turkey? Is it because you too are being manipulated by the Clintons' Foundation, Obama and Erdogan?

     Clinton, Obama and the rest of them are going to manipulate you one way or the other until they get what they want. MONEY. Perhaps these people were killed over a 'disturbing video' hosted on Youtube? Did they make a contribution to the Clinton Foundation? NOPE. What difference do they make?! Money is not evil, but the LOVE OF MONEY is the ROOT of ALL EVIL. Hillary Clinton has SOLD OUT her SOUL to the highest bidder.

     WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER. This isn't even real chickens. It's more like chicken nuggets and pink sludge. (Take your pick.) This so-called 'Arab Spring', this 'Free Syrian Army', the whole Syrian Opposition: NONE OF IT IS EVEN REAL. What about Egypt? What about Iraq? What about Libya? What are we to believe anymore? On the geopolitical level, I cannot easily say at this present time. I can say that we can have HFPPA (HOPE, FAITH, PRAYER, POSITIVE ATTITUDE) for a VICTORY over Obama, the Clintons, the DNC and SATAN. We can ask the LORD in prayer for DIVINE DISCERNMENT over the realities and non-realities we are confronted with; to expose the truth from the lie, as these WikiDikileaks become more widespread. THE KNOWLEDGE WILL FLOW.

     I am nearly at tears. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, serving the country which he loved, gained some of this knowledge pertaining to the 'Free Syrian Army'. Certain plot information he had acquired through various channels. The Embassy was attacked and Ambassador Stevens was assassinated after Hillary Clinton had somehow discovered his investigations. Killed by Hillary Clinton. "Can't we just drone him?" Does that sound familiar, America? Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a United States Citizen in Official Diplomatic Duty in Libya, whereas Julian Assange is an Australian national hiding in plain sight in the Ecuadorean Embassy at London England!

     This is truly sickening. "We've killed all our overseas competition! Let's give each other a pat on the back! Good job, everyone! Take it back home to AMERICA! YEA-AAH!" BLURGH!! You get a pardon! You get a pardon! EVERYONE GETS A PARDON! Is there humanity left in these people? NO. To be human, you first HAVE TO BE A HUMAN.

     Here's where it gets a little more interesting. Also the Dikileaks comes in. Could Anthony Weiner, aka CARLOS DANGER, been SEXTING HILLARY CLINTON? I haven't seen any Dikileaks evidences personally- and shudder at the very thought of seeing that HORROR- but have heard wide, yet credible rumor that this could be the case. Not to mention, Huma Abedin, DANGER'S estranged wife, had her laptop synced up with her husband's laptop. Get it? Dikileaks? Anyways, over six hundred and fifty thousands of emails from Hillary Clinton were, for various reasons, hoarded by Huma Abedin and synced to CARLOS DANGER'S SEXY LAPTOP. WEINER MACHINE FOR THE WIN!!

     Yeah, it's a slow build-up to the tear down. Again, we MUST have HFPPA for a VICTORY in this matter. Hillary Clinton Versus Anybody on November 8th, where Candidate Anybody is FAR SUPERIOR to Killary Clinton. 650k Emails? YUGE. It probably will be more of a Christmas or New Years Surprise, more so than the October Surprise as is the expectation every four years.

     The Who. What. When. Where. And Why of the recent Assange Blackout. We have to fight to see which side will win. I KNOW that the side of the LORD WILL WIN. I have deep prayers for that VICTORY. Calling back from previous postings. Pretty decent. I like to SHOW YOU that I've CALLED SOME OF THESE THINGS, years in advance. I hope you can understand the information presented here, maybe even give it a share and comment. Also, give @HectorMorenco a follow on the twitters!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Buffalo Flow

    A herd of buffalo popping up out of nowhere? In the middle of a pipeline dispute with the native peoples? I'd say that's a sign: The animals have entered into agreement with our Creator, showing themselves as a sign. I've seen enough of both that they are legitimate belief systems, that there is REAL power behind both Christianity and the Spirituality of the Native Peoples. A sign shown to de-escalate in this area, on both sides. We are all #Americans, we all enjoy this land. The Tribal government, autonomous to an extent, can raise the issue to the United States government. But when the issue goes through all these governmental channels- tribal, county, state, federal- the message becomes garbled.
     My own opinion is to be respectful of the land, to take up conservation and limit sprawl. I know that we cannot have it our ways- sprawl, pipelines, conservation, etc. We have government regulations on both oil and Native Peoples. Regulations on how to ship, what to ship in, and so on. Regulations on where you can live, how to receive benefit, hiring practices... Human safety and pipeline safety should go hand in hand, be open to all those potentially effected. Recent pipeline failures and responses have shown that these companies are probably not living up to this expectation. Theoretically, it should be simple. Many times though, theories are broken, proven wrong by action or further research. I'm for offshore drilling, however, I find I'm more against underwater piping of oil.
     This is an issue at Standing Rock, as it should be across the rest of the nation. In Michigan, currently, there is an issue of a new oil pipeline from Mackinac City to St. Ignace, connecting the Lower and Upper Peninsulas. There have been underwater pipeline failures somewhat recently in Jackson and Kalamazoo. Flint could be considered: A different issue surely, but many of these residents in Flint and Kalamazoo and Jackson were and continue to remain without water to some degree. In some western states, water is becoming limited. I cannot say whether Standing Rock is in one of these areas, but what if they were? Should we be willing to destroy their water supply for maybe five hundred thousand barrels of oil? Currently, the United States produces NINE MILLIONS of barrels of oil. Both sets of numbers are daily figures, five percent of daily totals.
     Some in the area may want the pipeline, as an economic stimulus to areas in Tribal control. Do you exclude their advancement in the overall American Dream? Do you bulldoze through sacred sites for jobs that are desperately needed? These are questions that should be going through everyone's head, from oil company, to government agency and average everyday citizen, no matter where each one of those may be. Do you know where you are? Do you know who you are? Do you know the history that lay behind it all? Does any of it overlap? The chances are high that one day, maybe not today, that one tribe or nations issues will be the same as the others issues.

Research links:

Friday, July 1, 2016

Something, Something Media.

I've said a lot about this on the twitters. Even more in comments while sharing this article across the social media, Facebook, Google Plus. This post started on Reddit and was only going to be a short paragraph or two. It has grown a bit to become... something. Media?

I ingest tons of media daily, but the bulk of it doesn't make me any more knowledgeable than when I started. A few well-placed articles, videos and books along the way bring me back to Reality Land. It is a place where I can think and grow, to feed myself in these letters and sounds and pictures. Each one of these letters, sounds and pictures are increasingly important as some have discovered.

Give yourself some space to figure out what is important among that which you've taken in. If you watch an Adam Sandler movie, you've just wasted an hour and a half. Fluff this!, you say, I'm going to emotionally binge-watch my favorite television series! You can at least bring yourself to write a decent paragraph to give the Sandler 'film' a negative review and that television series a positive review. At the very least, if you are partaking with anyone, let them know your thoughts. Maybe they'll be inspired to do what you did not.

If you are more serious, analyze the media as you go along. Plot lines, symbols, logical thought progression, production values. These are some things you can think about as you read and view media more closely. Are you going to believe Congress when they tell anyone else to 'shove it?' Would you believe them more if they told you to shove it? An example: Do you believe when Marvel and DC Comics tell you that their movies increase readership? If you said yes, you're wrong. Sales have generally been in a downward trend for much of the Big Screen Super-Hero explosion. What media wants you to believe and what really is out there in Reality Land are two different things.

I want to believe that media can do good, to right the ship. I want to believe in them for that, but I just can't do it. There may be some in the media complex that wish they could do something. I wish them nothing but best of luck. Will they succeed? No, they'll become burnt out after a while and quit, devoting their time something completely opposite and/or parallel to the media machines. Probably something, in any scenario, that would be easy to sell back.

In producing your own media, you may want to start into your media experience using an easy path, namely public domain materials. I'm using this method with The Televisual Experience. Public domain books are widely available; for review, analysis and maybe even a sequel. Public domain audio works are also available for similar purposes. Maybe you're a music producer looking for that sample that brings your track together? I see no harm in the usage of public domain materials, so long as the ultimate goal is your own media production. People keep telling you that you've got millions of cool ideas. Take one of them, put the ideas to paper; script it, build it, mold it-- there's your money-maker.


I created this.

Doesn't that feel like a million bucks?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Governmental Dungeonism

Will #America become a dungeon under either Trump or Hillary? Why is it more difficult for someone to visit another country, with passport restrictions and regulations implemented during the Bush Administration? Why is it more difficult for you to move to another state, with gas prices continually shifting and the continued passage of silly laws, or the threat thereof? Obama's dungeon? Your governor's dungeon? Where is your dungeon if you were clearly meant to be confined? Where is there any asylum from Governmental Dungeonism?
There is no security against Governmental Dungeonism. They wish only to trick and to trap you into their schemes. There will be nothing new under the sun when either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton is elected to the Presidency. You must remember, however, that you sat down at the table to play this game. You can't leave until it is over: Either you defeat the enemies and exit the Dungeon, or the Dungeon devours you whole, saving your gains for the next poor soul to discover.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


I get that Hitlerism can and most likely should be used to point out proven evils. As I pointed out, the only proven thing pointed towards by these people are America, Patriotism, Capitalism (the only two isms that have worked to some degree) and the Tea Party movement. Am I, as a freedom loving American, evil? I don't feel evil. You can ask the same question to the other subjects and get a similar answer. There is a GOOD way to do things and a BAD way. Lift people up instead of pulling a Hitler on them is one way. Show them there is a better way. One of those ways is Jesus. Fluff Nazism and its sad anti-religious 'spirituality', the fuhrer being revered at its horrible core. There is no future in that, no future with Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump. I do believe that there is no future with Kasich or Sanders. Cruz is different here between all the candidates. He does have some appeal as a Christian Conservative, but he's proven and able to play as dirty as the rest of them. There is clearly a precedent to put our candidates on a pedestal, to lift them up in a form of reverence. Perhaps they whispered, you aren't God, but are the next best thing for me. Are they falling into Aryanism or Nazism? Not specifically, maybe a form of neo-pagan emperor (president) worship. Even in this scenario, someone like Ronald Reagan could be seen as evil, being a lesser god-president than the older and more established Hitler. A long what-if scenario isn't reality. A bunch of questions and answers with the Ultimate answers being either, I'm going to change things, starting by my vote and grassroots, hand-shaking, baby-kissing efforts, or,; getting scared, then angry and finally resorting to calling everyone Hitler. NONE of these candidates is the one a democratic or republican American wants or deserves. I fear that soon EVERYONE could be Hitler and decide to go medieval on each other. Their candidate could have been a contender, but someone magically wished upon a star and -POOF- they're Hitler now. It's a sad episode of Oprah, except that everyone is getting a Hitler. You're getting a Hitler! EVERYONE'S GETTING A HITLER!!! This is how it begins to end to begin again.


I'm seeing this too often. You weren't put on this earth to be liked; to have a popularity award given to you by every person ever; to be pressured into thinking the exact same thoughts as the next person. Saying such a thing is itself #Hitlerism. It is an ism, PLUS HITLER. Such an ism wasn't enough, you had to play the Hitler card into the equation. I believe those types wouldn't have done badly in Nazi Germany, nor would they do terribly in the Nazi States of America fantasy scenario playing in their brain matter. Add in rainbows, sparkles and unicorns to your own desire. EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE IS NOT HITLER. EVERYONE you DON'T LIKE IS NOT HITLER. In this political scenario, that would be the remaining 2016 POTUS Candidates. As said before, #Hitlerism is running STRONG in America right now. I don't like anyone in this race. Tough beans. I'M NOT HITLER BECAUSE I DON'T SUPPORT YOUR CANDIDATE. Is it going to be LITERAL Hitler in office come 2017? No. Is it going to be Metaphorical Hitler in office come 2017? Probably not, unless you count the Tea Party movement, #Americanism, Patriotism and every other thing GOOD THING to happen in America since FOREVER. That's the closest thing we've got that could come close to Nazism at this present moment. When did that do YOU wrong? You see the wrong candidate in the top spot and say: That is so wrong! Why can't it be Rand Paul or Mitt Romney or Jeb? Bush? An Elfin King. A two-time loser. A box of rocks. WHOOPS. I'm literally worse than Hitler now. Offense is everywhere and people are going on the defense. But the best defense is a better offense. But that makes me Hitler... really? Ask one of the remaining WWII vets if any one of the remaining candidates is worse than Hitler. I would bet that almost all of them say no. They fought against the REAL DEAL, HITLER HIMSELF. They came, they saw, they defeated the Hitlerism of their era. They didn't fight for their kids and grandkids to become little Hitlerists. Should they then say, I don't really like this grandkid of mine's decision, s/he is Hitler. If they're going around calling everyone they don't like Hitler, then yes. Hitler KNOWS Hitler. A similar scenario would be a demon calling another demon out from a possessed person. It just doesn't happen because essentially, the two demons are the same thing. Is it fear? Perhaps the candidate you don't like is threatening a more strict stance on something, for example, marijuana. Is that fear even enough to project the IMPENDING DOOM OF HITLER onto their supporter? Perhaps the candidate has a string of business failures, but otherwise is seemingly successful. Is that fear even enough to project the IMPENDING DOOM OF HITLER onto their supporter? I'm looking to Mitt Romney... why aren't people calling him and/or anyone he supports Hitler? I'm pretty sure he's had at least ONE failure in business and/or politics. Why not start calling Romney and those he supports Hitler? Now I can't be trusted though, because I'm WORSE THAN HITLER for even THINKING those THOUGHTS. It seems I can't go on, as I cannot be trusted, thinking out all the above for my own self. Hideous, nasty thoughts! I'm Hitler, or even worse, if that's possible from a dude like me. Remember that, kidzzz... ;)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Government Employment Schemes, the American Political Environment and POTUS Potential

Government Employment Schemes are mostly that: Feelgood scams to waste taxpayer monies. Government says, we're doing something-- the politician feels they've held up their beliefs while making a few bucks; you're going nowhere, with no bucks left for a hamburger or rent or mortgage payment. Who is going to create? Not the Government, they've become overgrown and need to be trimmed down. Will they regulate their schemes with rules to torture those 'employed'? Will the imprison you for non-work? Will they make you a slave? Whoops, I thought that ended long ago. Government was not created to offer employment. Who is going to create? We are. Americans, Australians; people in a freedom loving world. Free to pick up a camera and report on events, free to write a lengthy response to an interesting comment. With our creations we earn a few bucks here and a few bucks there. We pay out a few of those bucks in taxes to the Government. This is creation. This is what we do, whether its on our own or with help of friends and family. Sure, you could possibly get a grant or funding from the government, but wouldn't it be better if you were to create something with no strings attached from the government? What about those friends and family that said, keep going! Don't give up on your dream! Do they live as a source of inspiration and hope or a waste byproduct of the government that has to be thrown away into the dumps?

The American Political Environment has been in a free-fall since later 2007-early 2008. More and more people are coming to believe the problem is: Democrats and Republicans. An example, Franklin Graham's recent split from the Republican Party. The belief is there that the Republicans have lost theirs. Thus Graham and many others split into non/third-party Conservatism. I don't know about Trump, seeing that first debate he was the only one that said he wouldn't run third party-- I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone like Ted Cruz did well but not well enough, that he might run third party. Or Trump gets screwed at the convention and give the nomination to someone else, likely Rubio. That's just plain anti-American. A similar argument can be made for Hillary Clinton. America was not designed to be a monarchy, ruled over by a hopeful Queen, or Kings. (How's Jebby holding up? Rand, the King of the Elves?) We already had eight years of Wild Bill and all those schemes and treachery. THE HORROR. We've got the Bern bringing out the crazy, socialist ideals of the far left. Their voters seem to have it figured for Hillary, but Bernie is kind of like the Trump of the Left. I have a crazy feeling that Clinton-Sanders will be closer than anyone could have thought. That's why I want the voters who believe they have to support a Democrat give that support to Martin O'Malley. Just because he doesn't seem crazy. Sad. If you have to support a third party candidate, I'm running for President. Timothy Munn (R-MI). Clearly, the Republicans haven't been too supportive of my run. I pledge my run as an Independent RepubliCAN and to support Conservative Values.

Nobody wants a $30 Big Mac because of $15/hr minimum wage. Or even worse, unemployment because robots took your job. There is no market for a standard wage when clearly certain jobs remain more valuable than others. It is theoretically when one gains the job title of 'Existing' could a Standard Wage be implemented. Everybody Exists, whether in this dimension or other-wheres.
