I get that Hitlerism can and most likely should be used to point out proven evils. As I pointed out, the only proven thing pointed towards by these people are America, Patriotism, Capitalism (the only two isms that have worked to some degree) and the Tea Party movement. Am I, as a freedom loving American, evil? I don't feel evil. You can ask the same question to the other subjects and get a similar answer. There is a GOOD way to do things and a BAD way. Lift people up instead of pulling a Hitler on them is one way. Show them there is a better way. One of those ways is Jesus. Fluff Nazism and its sad anti-religious 'spirituality', the fuhrer being revered at its horrible core. There is no future in that, no future with Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump. I do believe that there is no future with Kasich or Sanders. Cruz is different here between all the candidates. He does have some appeal as a Christian Conservative, but he's proven and able to play as dirty as the rest of them. There is clearly a precedent to put our candidates on a pedestal, to lift them up in a form of reverence. Perhaps they whispered, you aren't God, but are the next best thing for me. Are they falling into Aryanism or Nazism? Not specifically, maybe a form of neo-pagan emperor (president) worship. Even in this scenario, someone like Ronald Reagan could be seen as evil, being a lesser god-president than the older and more established Hitler. A long what-if scenario isn't reality. A bunch of questions and answers with the Ultimate answers being either, I'm going to change things, starting by my vote and grassroots, hand-shaking, baby-kissing efforts, or,; getting scared, then angry and finally resorting to calling everyone Hitler. NONE of these candidates is the one a democratic or republican American wants or deserves. I fear that soon EVERYONE could be Hitler and decide to go medieval on each other. Their candidate could have been a contender, but someone magically wished upon a star and -POOF- they're Hitler now. It's a sad episode of Oprah, except that everyone is getting a Hitler. You're getting a Hitler! EVERYONE'S GETTING A HITLER!!! This is how it begins to end to begin again.
I'm seeing this too often. You weren't put on this earth to be liked; to have a popularity award given to you by every person ever; to be pressured into thinking the exact same thoughts as the next person. Saying such a thing is itself #Hitlerism. It is an ism, PLUS HITLER. Such an ism wasn't enough, you had to play the Hitler card into the equation. I believe those types wouldn't have done badly in Nazi Germany, nor would they do terribly in the Nazi States of America fantasy scenario playing in their brain matter. Add in rainbows, sparkles and unicorns to your own desire. EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE IS NOT HITLER. EVERYONE you DON'T LIKE IS NOT HITLER. In this political scenario, that would be the remaining 2016 POTUS Candidates. As said before, #Hitlerism is running STRONG in America right now. I don't like anyone in this race. Tough beans. I'M NOT HITLER BECAUSE I DON'T SUPPORT YOUR CANDIDATE. Is it going to be LITERAL Hitler in office come 2017? No. Is it going to be Metaphorical Hitler in office come 2017? Probably not, unless you count the Tea Party movement, #Americanism, Patriotism and every other thing GOOD THING to happen in America since FOREVER. That's the closest thing we've got that could come close to Nazism at this present moment. When did that do YOU wrong? You see the wrong candidate in the top spot and say: That is so wrong! Why can't it be Rand Paul or Mitt Romney or Jeb? Bush? An Elfin King. A two-time loser. A box of rocks. WHOOPS. I'm literally worse than Hitler now. Offense is everywhere and people are going on the defense. But the best defense is a better offense. But that makes me Hitler... really? Ask one of the remaining WWII vets if any one of the remaining candidates is worse than Hitler. I would bet that almost all of them say no. They fought against the REAL DEAL, HITLER HIMSELF. They came, they saw, they defeated the Hitlerism of their era. They didn't fight for their kids and grandkids to become little Hitlerists. Should they then say, I don't really like this grandkid of mine's decision, s/he is Hitler. If they're going around calling everyone they don't like Hitler, then yes. Hitler KNOWS Hitler. A similar scenario would be a demon calling another demon out from a possessed person. It just doesn't happen because essentially, the two demons are the same thing. Is it fear? Perhaps the candidate you don't like is threatening a more strict stance on something, for example, marijuana. Is that fear even enough to project the IMPENDING DOOM OF HITLER onto their supporter? Perhaps the candidate has a string of business failures, but otherwise is seemingly successful. Is that fear even enough to project the IMPENDING DOOM OF HITLER onto their supporter? I'm looking to Mitt Romney... why aren't people calling him and/or anyone he supports Hitler? I'm pretty sure he's had at least ONE failure in business and/or politics. Why not start calling Romney and those he supports Hitler? Now I can't be trusted though, because I'm WORSE THAN HITLER for even THINKING those THOUGHTS. It seems I can't go on, as I cannot be trusted, thinking out all the above for my own self. Hideous, nasty thoughts! I'm Hitler, or even worse, if that's possible from a dude like me. Remember that, kidzzz... ;)