- The story: man robs Waffle House with pitchfork.
First off: Robs a (Waffle) House with a pitchfork. Think deeply, but not overly deep. Who or what robs your house with a pitchfork?
It's all about LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. Look at the location: Norcross. Norcross what this story is saying and not understand. :|
The two followed him, called to warn others about him. This is his last day before he is sprung as a thief of the treasures in the House.
Windows busted by the pitchfork. How could a mythology become injured, possibly in the neck? Some things become abandoned.
Location and Place stamping securing the mythology to a specific place at a specific time, though with not much more specificity.
The mythology has yet to be caught, securing him for that future engagement with the Judge. This is #Decoded.